clone blog: Ambitious tapi lazy pulak
The feeling of having big dreams but no energy to make them happen is common, and it's often because tasks feel too big [00:00].Laziness is a habit that can be changed, not a permanent trait [00:21].Step 1: Make it small. Break down big tasks into smaller, manageable steps, focusing on progress, not perfection [00:50].Step 2: Create easy routines. Set up routines to make things automatic, as willpower is limited [01:21].Step 3: Use the 2-minute rule. Start with just 2 minutes of work on a task to make starting easier [01:50].Reward yourself for starting to create positive reinforcement [02:11].Everyone starts small, and even those you admire have faced struggles [02:24].Think of your dreams like a fire; every small action is like adding fuel [02:31].Failure is a part of the journey, so it's important to keep moving forward [02:42].
Consistency is key, and even small efforts done regularly can create massive change [03:15].
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